I would like to speak with a Massage Therapist...
We do not have a receptionist, but you can leave a voicemail or send an email and either will be returned promptly. See the Contact section for details.
How do I book an appointment?
New and returning clients are encouraged to book appointments online by clicking any of the Book Now buttons throughout the website. You may also contact us by phone or email if you require help using the online booking system.
Do you have Gift Certificates?
Yes. We have gift certificates ready to purchase at the clinic. You may call or email to make pick up arrangements. Receipts given for gift certificates may not be used for reimbursement through your extended benefits.
How do payments work?
At the end of every appointment you will pay for your massage and we will give you a detailed receipt. If you have benefits through your employer that cover Massage Therapy you may submit this receipt to be reimbursed.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, cheques and etransfer only at this time. Julie Boivin also accepts Blue Cross.
Do I need a doctor’s referral?
Maybe. As therapists we do not necessarily need you to see your doctor prior to visiting our clinic (some exceptions apply). In some cases your extended health care plan may require a doctor’s referral to refund your money. Some doctors may backdate the referral to fit your appointment date.
Is it safe to have a massage during pregnancy?
For most women, having a massage during pregnancy is safe and in fact beneficial. There are some cases where your doctor/midwife will restrict your activity level which also means there is a restriction on getting a massage. If you have been classified as a “high(er) risk” or if you’re uncertain, check with your primary caregiver.
We are also excited to announce that we now have a prenatal body cushion system! When booking an appointment, please mention how many weeks along you will be at the time of your visit to help us prepare properly.
What should I expect during my visit?
On your first visit to the clinic we ask that you come in a few minutes early to fill out the health history forms. These forms plus a brief private intake help the Therapist assess your situation and determine the best and safest treatment for you. The therapist will also walk you through your treatment plan and answer any questions you may have.
Am I expected to talk during my massage?
Talking is up to you. If you want to talk for the full duration of your appointment, we’d be happy to talk with you. If you prefer to not say a word, we’re fine with that too! It’s your time, do whatever makes you most comfortable.
Do I need to get undressed?
The quick answer is yes, however, if you are not comfortable removing your clothing we will never insist. Your comfort and privacy are very important to us. It's also important to know that Swedish Massage techniques work best when applied with some form of oil or lotion directly to the skin. The sheets on the table are strategically placed while we work so only the area being massaged is uncovered at any given time. And all areas to be massaged will be discussed prior to getting on the table so you are fully informed.
Do you have a cancellation policy?
Yes. We have reserved this spot for you. A minimum of 24 hours is required to change or cancel. Without this notice or if you do not show up for your appointment, a cancellation fee will apply. Please understand that without proper notice your appointment time cannot be refilled.
Is the clinic wheelchair accessible?
No. There is a set of stairs that leads up to the clinic rooms. However, there may be circumstances where we could send our mobile therapist to your home (some conditions apply).
Where are you located?
We are located in the lovely town of Chelsea, Quebec on Route 105 near Old Chelsea Road. You will find a map on our Contact page for our exact location. Our entrance is Unit 3 which faces the road. There is always plenty of free parking in front.